Live webinar was held Friday, the 27th of March, 2015, 1:00 pm Eastern

COMPASSION FATIGUE: a condition where, after witnessing the suffering and eventual decline of a loved one, you begin to lose sympathy for him or her. This seemingly hard-heartedness is a result of unrelenting stress and associated burnout.

Intended Audience

The series addresses professional service providers which include:

  • medical doctors
  • registered nurses
  • social workers
  • geriatric care managers
  • gerontologists
  • gerontology students
  • counselors
  • ombudsman/patient advocates
  • family caregivers.

Learning Objectives

This training will provide professionals the tools they need to: (1) identify caregivers who are at risk for developing compassion fatigue, (2) navigate the complex relationships involved in family caregiving, and (3) recognize when compassion fatigue is present and identify possible interventions that may reduce and prevent further compassion fatigue and abuse, neglect and exploitation.

The Webinar

The live event is open to all and free for all. The webinar is a combination of video (showing slides) and audio (available through the computer’s speakers or a telephone dial-in). PC and Mac platforms are available. iPADs, iPhones and Android platforms are supported as well though these will require a mobile app download (for “Citrix”). Instructions on accessing the event will be provided after the registration. The webinar will be recorded and slides will be posted below.


KatieGilstrapKatie Gilstrap, MBA, serves as co-founder & principal of Lift Caregiving and as a faculty member in the business school at Virginia Commonwealth University.

In her current role, she has strategic leadership and marketing responsibilities for Lift Caregiving as well as teaches upper level marketing classes for undergraduates, MBA students and regional executives. A suma cum laude graduate of The College of William and Mary’s business school, Gilstrap earned an MBA at the University of Richmond.  During and after graduate school, she spent eight years as Senior Vice President, Director of Marketing for First Market Bank before launching Lift Caregiving. Since joining the faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University, she has advised MBA thesis projects and taught classes in the classroom, online, in the field and abroad.

Over the past several years, Katie Gilstrap has developed and delivered keynote speeches for organizations that include: the Virginia League of Women Voters, the PODi App Forum, the National Association of Quick Printers, the Virginia Association for Non Profit Housing for the Aging, the American Society on Aging, University of Richmond’s MBA Opening Residency and Senator Warner’s Young Entrepreneur Summit.  She also serves as a weekly columnist for The Richmond Times Dispatch and a monthly columnist for The Health Journal.

Presenter and Moderator

E. Ayn Welleford, PhD, received her BA in Management/Psychology from Averett College, M.S. in Gerontology and PhD in Developmental Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University. She has taught extensively in the areas of Lifespan Development, and Adult Development and Aging, Geropsychology, and Aging & Human Values.

As an educator, researcher, and previously as a practitioner she has worked with a broad spectrum of individuals across the caregiving and long term care continuum. As Associate Professor and Chair of VCU’s Department of Gerontology, she currently works to “Improve Elder Care through Education” through her Teaching, Scholarship, and Community Engagement.

Outside of the classroom, Dr. Welleford provides community education and serves on several boards and committees. Dr. Welleford is former Chair of the Governor’s Commonwealth of Virginia Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Commission, as well as a recipient of the AGHE Distinguished Teacher Award. In 2011, Dr. Welleford was honored by the Alzheimer’s Association at their annual Recognition Reception for her statewide advocacy. Dr. Welleford is the author of numerous publications and presentations given at national, state and local conferences, community engagement and continuing education forums.

In 2012, Dr. Welleford was appointed to the Advisory Board for VCU’s West Grace Village project. She is also the recipient of the 2012 Mary Creath Payne Leadership Award from Senior Connections, the Capital Area Agency on Aging.


To download the slides, you can use the link provided right below the slide window.2015-Webinar-Compassion-Fatigue
2015 Webinar Compassion Fatigue


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